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Opening Day: May 24, 2025

  • EMAS is now available for registration. Accounts must be fully paid and in good standing. Please be sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of this program.

  • Area reservation calendar will be released to the membership at the end of March. Your cabana account must be in good standing in order to make a reservation. Accounts that have paid their annual dues (and any other balance on their account) will have access. Please contact the treasurer if there is any question about your account balance.

  • Please be aware of the club's check-in procedure. We highly recommend using the Wild Apricot for Members mobile app to easily scan your QR code upon entry. Our club management system has been in place for 5+ years and the grace period is now over.

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club sponsored social events during the year 

Wednesday Night Dinners: Take a break from cooking dinner once a week, and come to the club on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 9:00 PM to enjoy a night out with family and friends. The menu varies from week to week – from hamburgers and hot dogs, to catered Mexican or Italian food. We also host a kid’s bingo game with prizes several times during the summer. Meals are typically under $8.00 and are offered most Wednesdays starting the middle of June and ending before school starts in August

Visit with SantaWhile you are most likely thinking about summer, we are already planning for Santa’s visit in December! Look for more details in the fall.

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